Exclude data points or results from calculations or summarization.
The object with updated information in the exclude column. The
exclude column will contain the reason
if mask
or FUN
indicate. If a
previous reason for exclusion was given, then subsequent reasons for
exclusion will be added to the first with a semicolon space ("; ")
Only one of mask
or FUN
may be given. If FUN
is given, it
will be called with two arguments: a data.frame (or similar object) that
consists of a single group of the data and the full object (e.g. the
PKNCAconc object), FUN(current_group, object)
, and it must return a
logical vector equivalent to mask
or a character vector with the reason
text given when data should be excluded or NA_character_
when the data
should be included (for the current exclusion test).
See also
Other Result exclusions:
myconc <- PKNCAconc(data.frame(subject=1,
conc=c(1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25)),
mask=c(TRUE, rep(FALSE, 6)))
#> Formula for concentration:
#> conc ~ time | subject
#> <environment: 0x5611417f80c8>
#> Data are dense PK.
#> With 1 subjects defined in the 'subject' column.
#> Nominal time column is not specified.
#> First 6 rows of concentration data:
#> subject time conc exclude volume duration
#> 1 0 1.0 Carryover NA 0
#> 1 1 2.0 <NA> NA 0
#> 1 2 3.0 <NA> NA 0
#> 1 3 2.0 <NA> NA 0
#> 1 4 1.0 <NA> NA 0
#> 1 5 0.5 <NA> NA 0