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Times relative to an event (typically dosing)


time_calc(time_event, time_obs, units = NULL)



A vector of times for events


A vector of times for observations


Passed to base::as.numeric.difftime()


A data.frame with columns for:

  • event_number_beforeThe index of time_event that is the last one before time_obs or NA if none are before.

  • event_number_afterThe index of time_event that is the first one after time_obs or NA if none are after.

  • time_beforeThe minimum time that the current time_obs is before a time_event, 0 if at least one time_obs == time_event.

  • time_afterThe minimum time that the current time_obs is after a time_event, 0 if at least one time_obs == time_event.

  • time_after_firstThe time after the first event (may be negative or positive).

time_after and time_before are calculated if they are at the same time as a dose, they equal zero, and otherwise, they are calculated relative to the dose number in the event_number_* columns.