Regular expression patterns for numbers
Regular expression patterns for numbers
naturalpositive integers without a sign
nonnegative_integer_no_signonly digits
integeran optional +- at the beginning followed by only digits (note that "-0" is valid)
float_no_signdigits, a decimal point, and more digits
float_or_integer_relaxedan optional +- followed by one of the following:
digits then a decimal point
a decimal point then digits
digits then a decimal point then digits
float_or_integer_strictan optional +- followed by digits optionally followed by a decimal point and digits (starting or ending with a decimal point is not allowed).
scientific_notationStrict scientific notation made of the following, in order:
an optional +-
a coefficient that is zero (with an optional decimal point and optional additinoal zeros), a natural number, or a float that does not start with zero
one of "e", "E", "d", or "D"
a optional +-
scientific_notation_relaxedRelaxed scientific notation (relaxing on the coefficient rules) made of the following, in order:
one of "e", "E", "d", or "D"
a optional +-
number_relaxedAny number format above (based on scientific_notation_relaxed with the exponent as an optional component