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Impute actual time using nominal time when actual is unavailable


impute_time_act_nom(actual, nominal)


actual, nominal

Actual and nominal times as numeric vectors


actual with missing values imputed, as feasible, based on nominal times.


The rules used are the following, in order.

  • If actual is not missing, use it.

  • If there is at least one non-missing actual for a given nominal, take the median actual from the nominal.

  • If for a missing actual time, the actual time values are in order compared to the nominal time:

    • If both directions with nominal and actual times (before and after) are within 24 hours, interpolate between.

    • If only one direction with nominal and actual times (before or after) is within 24 hours, extrapolate in that direction ignoring the other direction.

See also

Other Imputation: impute_dtc()

Other Date/time imputation: impute_dtc()